Vermont Weddings Moving Forward

What are the best practices moving forward for weddings and events?

This is the question that WEVA members are asking, that’s why we’re sharing some advice for wedding professionals, couples and guests to help you communicate your plans to move forward safely.

As we proceed with weddings and events in 2021 and the CDC announced plans to loosen restrictions, we know it’s a mix of exciting and confusing for both couples and wedding professionals alike. We want to break down some of the most important things to know as you move forward with weddings and events.

WEVA Encourages These Best Practices for 2021 Events:

  • Every business must determine rules and safety protocols that align with the Universal Guidance as we continue to move forward and keep employees and customers safe. Businesses must create their own safety rules and protocols to keep employees and clients safe.

  • Wedding professionals need to consider how to provide peace of mind to clients and fellow vendor alike.

  • Couples/event hosts should consider their guests’ vaccination status. (You can find templates to help you do that effectively here.)

  • For comfort of guests don’t overcrowd spaces and venues.

  • Proper ventilation helps reduce the spread of Covid-19. Outdoor events are still the safest.

  • According to the most recent CDC guidelines, Unvaccinated individuals should continue to WEAR A MASK, when gathered with others outside your household, both outside and inside, however, Vaccinated individuals do not need to wear a mask when gathering with groups large or small.

  • Practice good hygiene and stay home if you’re sick!

Important: Businesses are expected to create our own safety rules and protocols to keep ourselves, our employees and our clients safe. Just because the state is not outlining protocols, doesn’t mean your business should go without safety measures.

As an example, there are no specific details on verifying vaccination status for wedding guests, however, the ACCD here in Vermont said: “Each business is encouraged to adopt a process that works for them. We imagine most businesses and event organizers will have guests fill out an attestation before entering/attending.”

As another example of creating safety measures, some couples are asking guests to only attend their wedding if they’re vaccinated.

CDC Mask Guidance .png

points to note for Vermont weddings:

  • Effective July 4th, 2021, no state gathering limit is anticipated. Universal Guidance will not be mandatory, but will be strongly encouraged.

  • If you are traveling and you are vaccinated, no quarantine or testing is needed.

  • No new guidelines will be released. Vermont businesses will need to continue to take the lead on safety measures. Again, businesses must decide what protocols are best for the safety and comfort of employees and guests and this may mean going above and beyond the state’s guidance.

Download the PDF of General Guidance for Weddings and Events in VT (updated in April 2021).

Alison Ellis